11th BRICS Policy Lecture Begins, Financial Experts Explain BRICS Industrial Cooperation
Time: 2024-04-29

On the morning of 26 April, the 11th BRICS Policy Lecture was held online. At the invitation, Liao Shuping, senior researcher at the BOC Research Institute, shared on theCurrent Status and Prospects of Industrial Cooperation between BRICS Countries, with 2.02 million online views.

Liao has been engaged in research on global macroeconomic and financial issues, thus accumulating rich knowledge in the field of BRICS economic research. On the lecture, she started from geopolitical background to analyse the current challenges and opportunities faced by BRICS countries in carrying out industrial cooperation, interpreted the current status, prospects, and main areas of cooperation between China and other BRICS countries, and eventually pointed out the benefits of accelerating industrial cooperation in the future with helpful advice.

Liao believes the economic cooperation between BRICS countries is developing rapidly while the potential still needs further stimulation. The division of labor among BRICS countries should be deepened based on comparative advantages. An economic cooperation system based on BRICS countries is called for. Meanwhile, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation in infrastructure construction, to innovate financial cooperation methods, to deepen people-to-people and cultural exchanges, to release economic growth potential, and to promote BRICS production capacity cooperation and the reform of the international governance system.

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