2023 Personnel Training Program: Exploring the Chinese Market Open to Applications
Time: 2023-04-07

At present, China is not only the “factory of the world”, but also a vast market that all businesses around the world strive to explore. Numerous businesses across the world are seeking to bring their products into the Chinese market in hopes of stimulating the development of the related industries in their countries. The Innovation Training Base of Global Development Promotion Center plans to initiate a training program themed on “Exploring the Chinese Market”, aiming to strengthen the exchange of experience and the sharing of development opportunities with businesses in countries of the Group of Friends of the Global Development Initiative. This program is expected to help foster innovative talent with a solid understanding of China and the ability to tap into the Chinese market.

I. Supervised by:

Global Development Promotion Center of China International Development Cooperation Agency

II.Organized by:

BRICS PartNIR Innovation Center (BPIC)

III.Managed by:

Xiamen Weitou Business Technology Co., Ltd.

Xiamen Information Group Co., Ltd.

IV.Details of Training

(I) Prospective Trainees

1. Commerce officials or administrators for economic and trade cooperation with China from various countries

2. Corporate executives from various countries seeking cooperation with China in investment and trade

3. Administrators at chambers of commerce and sci-tech parks from various countries

(II) Means of Training

100 trainees will be admitted to a Zoom meeting room, and all other trainees will be able to attend the training course online via video link.

(III) Language of Training

Training will be conducted in Chinese with simultaneous English interpretation.

(IV) Training Courses and Schedule

The training program consists of four modules:

1.The Current State and Future of the Chinese Market

·the potential, characteristics and trends of the Chinese consumer market;

·existing and prospective policies of the Chinese government regarding foreign investment in the consumer goods market;

·main consumer goods imported by China, consumer analysis and trends in the imported consumer goods market;

·suggestions for overseas companies seeking to enter the Chinese consumer goods market

2.Legal Issues to be Noted Before Entering the Chinese Market

·practical information including the market potential and the general business environment in China, the framework of the past and present China’s Foreign Investment Law, common concerns and social reactions, and the government’s role;

·important Chinese laws and regulations, such as the Company Law, Partnership Enterprise Law, Consumer Rights Protection Law/Product Quality Law, Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, etc.;

·issues to be noted before entering the Chinese market, such as site leasing, tax incentives, and investment introduction policies and registration procedures of certain free trade zones and industrial parks;

·typical case analysis of important contract terms

3.Practical Strategies for Exploring the Chinese Market

·the ecological, geographic and demographic characteristics of the Chinese market;

·tips on how to find suitable local partners and determine the appropriate “first stop”, industry cluster and team-building strategy for pushing into the Chinese market;

·tips on how to strike a balance between the Chinese culture and international business practices in developing a successful localization strategy

4.E-commerce and Digital Marketing in China

·the development of e-commerce in China and the distinct characteristics of B2B, B2C, and C2C business models,

·the regulatory framework and policies governing online sales platforms and the marketing strategies for e-commerce;

·the digital marketing practices such as live streaming and influencer marketing (with relevant case studies), the applications of and regulations on mobile payment (with relevant case studies), and risks associated with mobile payment and preventive measures;

·new models and trends in consumer goods sales, etc.

Note: The course plans are subject to change and will be finalized in the pre-course announcement.

(V) How to Participate

1.Enter the Zoom meeting room to participate:

Step 1:Please fill out the application form for the training program either online or through email.

①Online: Scan the QR code below or click the link: https://cv4opya4tfhyf2nh.mikecrm.com/H9Odui9 to complete the form online.

②Email: Fill out the application form (see Attachment 1) completely, name it “Application for Exploring the Chinese Market Training Program + Your Personal Name”, and send it topersonneltraining@bricspic.org.

It’s highly expected that you could fill in your questions in the application form so that our experts could be better prepared to answer them.

Step 2:Please sign up your Zoom account with the email address you provided in the application form. (See Attachment 2 for Zoom Sign-up Guide)

Step 3:Please enter the Zoom meeting room via your email address for online class and discussion. Meeting ID will be sent to your email in advance of course. Please check your inbox carefully.

(1) Closing Date for Applications: April 14, 2023

(2) Inquiries: Miss Lin, +86-0592-5888621

2. Click on the live-streaming link to participate:

Follow the event announcements on the BPIC’s official website (https://www.bricspic.org/En/Pages/Home/NewsDetail.aspx?rowId=480), or click on the following link: https://www.yunxianchang.com/pc/serviceCase/697 to watch the live-streaming directly, or scan the QR code bellow to join the live-streaming.

(VI) How to Establish Contact

1.Please download the instant messenger WeChat (see Attachment 3) in advance using a mobile phone number of your home country, complete the registration, and log in.

2.Please scan the QR code below to enter a WeChat group for communication purposes.

3.Please follow the announcements in the WeChat group for training arrangements and service contact information.

(VII) Training Certificate

Registered trainees will be awarded a certificate of completion upon the conclusion of the training course.

Attachment 1:Application for Exploring Chinese Market Training Program

Attachment 2:YunLive-zoom registration and login process description

Attachment 3:How to Use WeChat

V.Introduction to Lecturers

ZHANG Mengxia

Dr. ZHANG is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the University of International Business and Economics. She also serves as a visiting professor and doctoral supervisor at renowned universities in France and Canada. Dr. ZHANG is the founder of the China Postdoctoral Mobile Station for Luxury Consumer Behavior Studies and serves as a postdoctoral supervisor. She is a research fellow at UIBE Luxury China, deputy director of the Brand Committee of China Marketing Association, and an expert member of the Brand Committee of China Management Science Society. Dr. ZHANG is also a research fellow at the CERAG UMR CNRS 5820 of French Academy of Sciences and an expert member of the Brand Committee of the China City News. Her primary research interests are fashion and luxury consumer behavior, strategic brand management, etc. Dr. ZHANG has published over 70 academic papers and monographs, in addition to leading or participating in more than 10 national and provincial-level research projects. 

CHEN Fengxia

Ms. CHEN holds degrees from Sichuan University and the School of Law at Saint Louis University (United States). She was a lecturer at universities and is now a partner of Beijing Docvit Law Firm. She is licensed to practice law in both China and the state of New York, USA. She is a CATTI Level-II English Translator and has been included into the foreign-related legal professional pool of Beijing Lawyers Association, the "Belt and Road" legal professional pool of Chaoyang District, and the legal professional pool for "Two Zones" construction of Chaoyang District Lawyers Association. Her main areas of practice include corporate governance, legal and compliance, foreign investment, international trade and intellectual property protection, as well as dispute resolution. She has published approximately 30 papers. 

HUO Jianming

Mr. HUO is an International Business Engineer, adjunct professor at Xiamen University of Technology, deputy president of Foshan Foreign Languages Society, supervisor of the Foshan Digital Trade Industry Promotion Association, founder of the "Foreign Trade Home" community, founder of the "Home-Decor Unicorn" platform, and co-founder of "Cross-border Steward" (a cross-border e-commerce alliance platform). Boasting extensive management experience in Fortune 500 companies and state-owned/private enterprises, he is adept at devising and implementing corporate strategies, building overseas marketing systems, and developing marketing channels. Mr. HUO has published numerous academic works, including The Cultural, Educational, and Commercial Opportunities of the BRICS Countries under the Belt and Road Initiative.


Mr. WANG is the tutor of DBA doctoral students and master students at HEC Paris, France. With deep expertise in capital markets, he served as vice president for marketing of a world-renowned cross-border e-commerce giant and as a senior executive of several leading Chinese internet companies, where he has gained rich experience and connections in both internet and traditional media circles. He also serves as a member of the expert group for National Disruptive Technology Innovation Competition, a member of the evaluation expert group for China International College Students' "Internet+" Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology), a member of the evaluation expert group for China College Students' Entrepreneurship Competition, a startup mentor for the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the Ministry of Education, a master's advisor at East China Normal University, an evaluation expert for the Fujian Financial Investment Review Center, and an internet economy expert for the Fujian Provincial Development and Reform Commission. 

Note: The list of lecturers is subject to change without prior notice.

Attachment 1:Application for Exploring Chinese Market Training Program.docx

Attachment 2:YunLive-zoom registration and login process description.docx

Attachment 3:How to Use WeChat.docx